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Feng Shui 2024 & Chinese Horoscope Forecast Flying Star Feng Shui 2024

Three Horoscope Allies Amulet - Ox, Rooster & Snake

Price: $18.99
Price in reward points: 180
Material:  Jade
Weight :  35.00g ( 0.08 lbs)
Dimension :  0.5x0.75x0.25 in, 9 in Lgth (1.3x1.9x0.6 cm, 23 cm)
SKU:  MFSX820265
Reward Points:  12
Availability:  In Stock
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A beautiful Feng Shui horoscope allies amulet made of jade with an obsidian wulou for health luck for people born in the year of Ox, Rooster or Snake.

In the Chinese zodiac, or horoscope 12-year cycle, a different animal represents each year. Furthermore, the people who are born under the sign of each year and its respective animal are believed to carry the personality characteristics of that correlating animal. The animals that are representative of the Chinese horoscope in order are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar.

In the beliefs of Chinese astrology, the different animals are broken into four groups of three “animal allies,” also known as “San He,” or three harmonies. The people born under the specific zodiac sign will then compliment and relate well with the other two signs in the same “animal allies” group. For instance, the Ox, Rooster and Snake fall under the same zodiac allies group and therefore, they will be most likely to get along with one another. If you need a shoulder to lean on during difficult times, your horoscope allies will be there for you.

Carrying this horoscope allies keyring with you at all times will help you to ‘borrow’ support and strength from the stronger ally in the group to get through tough times when your luck forecast is lackluster.  This amulet is able to counteract the negative predictions for the year by bringing luck in the face of a bad luck year. It is said that your zodiac friends, or allies, will help you with matters of business, life, academics and relationships, and they will even help to keep backstabbers and betrayers at bay.

The Chinese believe that Jade has magical powers; it can protect and heal a person. It is considered to contain the human virtues and wearing the stone, or displaying it can increase the presence of those virtues in a person’s life. In Feng Shui, to have one of the many other symbols carved out of Jade is to increase the potency of the symbol. By itself, Jade is believed to promote harmony, balance, luck and good fortune. It is considered both a healing and nurturing stone, believed to provide the wearer with a renewed sense of vitality while balancing and harmonizing thoughts and emotions.


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