
Welcome to Mega Feng Shui Shop

Feng Shui 2025 & Chinese Horoscope Forecast Flying Star F Shu5 2024

Delivery Information

You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered. Items in stock will ship out in 2-3 business days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays). If the items you ordered is out of stock, we will send an email to inform you about it. You can then choose to wait, cancel or exchange the sold out item with other item.

Shipping Methods

Our products are shipped from our store in Malaysia. We can ship to virtually any address in the world using the shipping method of your choice: Express or Regular mail.

Our primary shipping service is Express with FedEx. Express shipping will typically take 2 to 6 business days to deliver. With FedEx, you will be emailed a tracking number that you can track online and see the estimated delivery date. If you do not receive the shipping notification in your email after 3 business days, please check your spam/junk folder.

Express shipping method is not available for APO/FPO addresses. For APO/FPO addresses, all orders will be shipped with Regular Mail only

We recommend that you choose Express Shipping over regular mail when possible because the latter does NOT have a tracking number and will take anywhere from 2 to 5 weeks to deliver. When shipping overseas with Regular Mail, customs can delay packages by up to 6 weeks. This doesn't happen often, but it can happen. Therefore, order that is NOT received after the seventh week it was posted out will only be considered lost. In the unlikelihood of this happening, please contact us to arrange for a solution.

Shipping Fees

Our shipping fees are determined by the weight of your order and shipping method selected. We are not in business to "profit" from shipping; you are charged what we are charged. The weight of our items can be found on its product description page. Please note that the weight of the products shown on our website are not the actual weight. Weight of packing material and volumetric/dimensional weight (the amount of space that it occupies on an aircraft, rather than the actual weight) have been factored in.

To find out the total shipping fee, go to your shopping cart page with at least one product added, select "Estimate Shipping Fee", enter your Country and Region/State and then hit on the "Get Quotes" button.

Express Shipping to less populated or accessible areas will incur a surcharge. The extended area surcharges cannot be calculated automatically by our shopping cart and can only be assessed manually by our packing & shipping personnel when an order is received. Customers will be informed about it should this rare circumstance occur. You will then have the option to pay the surcharge or downgrade your Express shipping to Regular shipping.

Please note that additional fees may apply for incomplete or incorrect addresses.


Your order may be subject to customs import duties, and taxes. Duty and taxes may be payable by you when this occurs. The international rate charged is dependent upon individual country tax rates.


You may cancel an order at any time before your order is shipped by sending us a message here: Contact us or by replying to our email address in the order email notification that you received. A refund for the total amount paid minus 6% processing will be made.

Damaged Shipment:

Only shipments with our Express Service are insured. Should any merchandise arrive damaged, please retain all packing materials and product. These Express Services may require evidence of the damage in order to pay any claim. Please contact us within 24 hours of receiving your package with damaged merchandise and we will instruct you of the next step.

We cannot be held responsible for packages left on porches due to special instructions left for your courier driver.

Return Policy

We want you to be happy with the products that you purchase here at MegaFengshuiShop.com so that you can fully harness their energy. We understand that sometimes a product must be returned and we will facilitate this as best we can. Please read and understand the following rules regarding returns.

1. Purchaser must contact us prior to making any return.
2. All returns must be made within 14 days they are received.
2. Purchaser is responsible for ALL return shipping charges.
3. Items returned must be in "like new" sellable condition.
4. All sales items are final and may not be returned.
5. Shipments that are refused by purchaser for any reason will be charged a 10% restocking fee. In addition, any and all shipping costs incurred in the transaction will be charged to the purchaser.
