The dreaded Five Yellow star, a malevolent force among the flying stars, heralds a year of challenges, obstacles, and misfortune, striking fear into the hearts of many. In 2024, this disruptive energy settles in the West, bringing with it potential heartaches and setbacks.
To counter this formidable influence, our Five Element Pagoda for this year showcases the potent White Umbrella Goddess mantra and is adorned with the comforting Chinese couplet, “Bringing peace and protection against harm.” The White Umbrella Goddess, with her thousand heads, arms, and legs, embodies immense power. Merely beholding her mantra is believed to shield against illnesses, disasters, spiritual harm, and bestow great auspiciousness.
In the midst of 2024’s significant energetic shifts due to the Period change, invoking the blessings of the White Umbrella Goddess becomes paramount. Embrace this Feng Shui amulet to safeguard against the Five Yellow's malevolence and usher in a year of protection, peace, and auspicious energies.