The Three Killings, also known as "San Sha" or "Sarmsaat", brings three types of misfortune and is a crucial affliction to address as we step into a new year. In 2024, the Three Killings affects the South sector, which is also occupied by the #7 Robbery/Loss Star. Since it is the Direct Spirit of the new Period 9, and we are in its inaugural year, it becomes even more crucial to manage this affliction, as the South is one of this Period's key sectors.
To counteract the Three Killings, the Three Celestial Guardians – the Pi Yao, Fu Dog and Chi Lin - bestow blessings while protecting against three types of losses: loss of wealth, loss of reputation, and loss of loved ones.
Moreover, the Chakra Protection Wheel provides shelter against various forms of harm, particularly those that are entirely beyond your control. This includes events like market crashes, failed investments, scams, force majeure, and natural disasters.