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2023 Sheep's Monthly Feng Shui Forecast

Monthly Feng Shui Forecast & Chinese Horoscope & Luck Analysis for Sheep in the Year of the Water RABBIT 2023

Monthly Horoscope & Feng Shui Forecast 2023 for Sheep

Those with Zodiac sign Sheep are born in Chinese Lunar Year 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015

Click below to read other zodiac horoscope monthly forecast:

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Monthly Feng Shui Horoscope 2023 for Horse Monthly Feng Shui Horoscope 2023 for Sheep Monthly Feng Shui Horoscope 2023 for Monkey Monthly Feng Shui Horoscope 2023 for Rooster Monthly Feng Shui Horoscope 2023 for Dog Monthly Feng Shui Horoscope 2023 for Boar


1st Month (4th-Feb to 5th-Mar 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

Sheep should proceed with caution this year, as the ominous Five Yellow is making its way into your Feng Shui horoscope. Do not take any risks now since you are likely to be afflicted by ill fortune. Avoid planning any extra activities for the Chinese New Year and focus on staying home and being safe. Keep some money aside in emergencies like car trouble or unforeseen medical costs. You may strengthen your chi by placing the Dragon and Horse Spirit Essence Feng Shui Enhancer in your southwest corner. Carry the Spirit Essence Amulet Feng Shui Keychain.

Negative vibes at work are draining, making for a difficult period. Reduce your goals and concentrate on getting things done. Don't make any job moves until next month, when the stars are in a better position to help you succeed. For protection against the Five Yellow, the Emerald Feng Shui Pagoda or Golden Five Element Pagoda (6 inches) is essential. One should be placed in the Northwest to counter the yearly #5 and another in the Southwest to negate the monthly #5. When you go out, it's a good idea to have the Emerald Pagoda With Om Ah Hum Amulet Feng Shui Keychain with you.

More Feng Shui cures 2023 to weaken the #5 Misfortune Flying Star

In the business world, fortune is weak, and success is difficult to achieve. Avoid starting new ventures or partnerships and instead concentrate on finishing current ones. Keep a close eye on your budget, and make it a priority to locate a mentor. If you want to keep bad energies from interfering with your success activation, carry the Protection Peacock Amulet Feng Shui Keychain to your workplace.

This is not the month to discover love since you will be preoccupied with other matters. People in committed relationships, such as married Sheep, would avoid arguments and instead confide in their companions. There is a higher chance of sickness and injury due to the Misfortune Star, so take extra precautions and refrain from strenuous activity. Avoid the Southwest this month if you are an elderly Sheep or unwell.


2nd Month (6th-Mar to 4th-Apr 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

The Peach Blossom Star shines brightly this month, making it a joyous time for Sheep. You have exceptional people abilities. Your ability to network effectively unlocks many interesting possibilities. Thanks to the presence of the chi of your Victory Star, you have all you need to succeed, so don't hold back. Display the Wishfulfilling Scepters Of Power Feng Shui Ru Yi in the SW and carry the Cardinal Connectivity Activator Feng Shui Charms to activate.

You've put in a lot of time and effort, and it's starting to pay off. It's a great chance to get to know your superiors, coworkers, and customers. By carrying a Talent Star Activator Feng Shui Keychain, ensure your abilities are in the spotlight. Furthermore, this is a great moment to go into uncharted territories. This time provides fertile ground for those who work in the arts and creative professions. Positive vibes are in the air this month, making it the ideal time to introduce new goods, establish additional locations, and grow your company. Take advantage of networking opportunities to surround yourself with successful individuals.

More Feng Shui 2023 products to activate the #4 Peach Blossom Flying Star

It's a great month to meet potential romantic partners. Married Sheep should avoid becoming connected with random strangers since cosmic winds predict infidelity. If you want to meet the one who is meant to be in your life, put the Feng Shui Peach Blossom Rat on Treasure Box Love Charm in the North. Student Sheep, are exceptionally intelligent, committed, and prepared to excel. Examinees who put in extra time and effort get huge rewards. Feng shui advises students to bring luck to their studies by carrying the Wisdom Pagoda With Scholastic Talisman Feng Shui Keychain. The cosmic winds will reward those who aren't afraid to test the limits of society.


3rd Month (5th-Apr to 5th-May 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

The Quarrelsome Star enters your sector this month, adding to the hostility you've been feeling. You have a short fuse and find it easy to become angry, which may lead to major and frequent disagreements and strain in your relationships. The #3 Wood Star dampens the impact of the Victory Star, making victory more difficult to achieve. Stay out of fights and concentrate on keeping a low profile. Put on extra red clothing to ward off the negative energies. Maintaining allies is critical when your chi is low. Carry the Trinity Of Apple Feng Shui Amulet Keychain to ward against harmful forces. Display the Trinity of Anti-Conflict-Gossip-Lawsuit Feng Shui Apples or Red Prosperity Feng Shui Elephant in the SW to win anticipated arguments about money.

Keep your thoughts to yourself at work and remain on everyone's good side. Don't engage in revenge if you become the subject of workplace politics or rumor. Don't lose your cool; concentrate on getting things done. Do not attempt to create any new partnerships or engage in any new commercial agreements. Conflicts arise with everybody you come in touch with because of the manifestation of hostile energies. Try to avoid arguments and find peaceful solutions instead.

More Feng Shui 2023's cures to suppress the #3 Hostile/Quarrelsome Flying Star

This is a trying moment for the attached Sheep, as a major argument with a loved one can cause a roller coaster of feelings. Laugh things off and be less sensitive and more accepting of others. The same is true of your social circle. Carry a Happy Marriage Comb Feng Shui Keychain. Don't let friendship drama derail your studies, Student sheep. If you're having difficulty deciding what to do, talking to your loved ones about what's hurting you might be therapeutic.


4th Month (6th-May to 5th-Jun 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS

According to Feng Shui horoscopes, this is a bad month for Sheep because the Illness Star will be visiting your horoscope and bringing illness chi and a cloud of confusion. It might be challenging for you to go on with your normal life. However, in a positive turn of events, you may find that your connections with others flourish. While your luck in love may improve, it is only average, so you should avoid taking unnecessary financial risks or overspending. Use the Life Force Amulet Feng Shui Keychain with the Spirit Essence Amulet Feng Shui Keychain to strengthen your chi and make it through this gloomy month. If you want to improve your health luck and speed up your recovery from sickness, you may keep a Healing Herbs and Longevity Feng Shui Wu Lou in your bedroom or carry a Healing Herbs and Longevity Amulet Feng Shui Keychain with you at all times. Invite Bejeweled White Tara Gau Home Protection Amulet to your house to evoke her good health and longevity blessings.

You struggle to keep your mind on the task at hand. To succeed, you must put rivals out of your mind. Focus on time management to effectively collaborate with others for maximum benefit. At this juncture, it is wise to give additional responsibility to your reliable staff. There's a good chance you'll be pleasantly surprised by how much you can do when stress levels are reduced.

More Feng Shui remedies 2023 to subdue #2 Illness/Sickness Flying Star

Having a loving companion by your side gives you renewed strength and emotional stability. If you're a single Sheep on the market for a partner, broaden your social horizons. You never know who you could find attractive. The #2 Star will further deplete your already weakened chi. Be sure you get adequate sleep and stick to a routine. The elderly and people with chronic conditions need to carefully monitor their well-being. Get checked out immediately if you're experiencing any strange symptoms. Don't overdo it, sheep students; doing so increases the risk of severe illness.


5th Month (6th-June to 6th-July 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

The month ahead will bring a victorious period for Sheep, with life-changing opportunities presenting themselves to you and those around you. Your sector is blessed with the power of two Victory Stars, bringing a wave of competitive luck to help you achieve your goals effortlessly. Your financial prospects are looking up as wealth luck improves, and you could see an increase in income or even make some quick gains in the stock market. However, don't let work consume you to the point of neglecting your loved ones. To activate the auspicious energies, display the Mega Feng Shui Ru Yi With Wish Granting Mantra in the SW of your home and office, and carry the Joyous Windhorse Amulet Feng Shui Keychain.

While you should expect big changes in your work environment, try not to take them to heart. This month's energies will sharpen your mind and enhance your ability to lead others. For those seeking career advancement, place the Wishfulfilling Scepters Of Power Feng Shui Ru Yi on your desk. Business ventures are especially favored for Sheep, so don't be afraid to make yourself seen and heard. Your natural leadership abilities make you an effective boss, able to easily solve problems. The cosmic winds suggest that you explore new ways of doing things, so stay open to trying something different. With Double Victory luck on your side, now is a great time to consider investing.

More Feng Shui products to trigger the #1 Victory/Winning Flying Star

Finding time and energy to date may be a challenge for those who are single, but love could blossom unexpectedly in the workplace. Attached Sheep must find a balance between work and family responsibilities and should approach important conversations with empathy. For students and those in training, this is an exhilarating time to pursue your studies. With Victory Luck on your side, you will surely excel in exams and competitions, giving you an excellent chance of coming out on top.


6th Month (7th-July to 7th-Aug 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

According to your horoscope forecast, the Sheep will experience a remarkable month as the #9 Magnification Star graces you with its presence, enhancing the power of the resident #1 Star and forming the Sum-of-Ten. This dynamic combination will clear all the obstacles in your path, allowing you to complete your endeavors with incredible speed. This is the perfect time to aim high and achieve your goals quickly while enjoying the fruits of your labor. To capture the positive energy of the auspicious #9 Star, display the Feng Shui Rising Phoenix or Yang Energy Feng Shui Plaque With Phoenix in the SW and carry the Sum-of-Ten Amulet Feng Shui Keychain (Blue) for speedy success.

Your career prospects look exceptionally bright this month, and you may even be rewarded for your hard work. If you hold a leadership position, you will continue to inspire those around you to perform at their best. With abundant energy, it's an excellent time to set ambitious career goals and work towards achieving them. However, it's important to give credit where it's due and avoid bragging, as it may spark envy in others. Business people can expect a busy month with high staff morale and lucrative opportunities. Your popularity will soar, making it easier to work with others. If you have grand ambitions, go ahead and pursue them with confidence.

More Feng Shui enhancers in 2023 to enhance the #9 Future Prosperity / Magnifying Flying Star

In matters of the heart, the Sheep will experience joy and happiness this month. You have an infectious personality that draws people to you, so don't be afraid to try new things, even if it's with someone who's not typically your "type." Place the Feng Shui Romance Comb in the SW to attract a lasting relationship. Students born under the Sheep sign will become more focused on their future this month. Use this time to explore various options and figure out which direction you want to take.


7th Month (8th-August to 7th-September 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

With the entrance of the monthly #8 in your horoscope forecast, this month will surely be fruitful for Sheep. This month ushers in fresh luck, good fortune, and joyful events. With the help of your annual victory star, you may bring about wonderful events. It is time to invest since the rewards are so high right now. You're also blessed in your connections, as you attract nothing but positive energy from all you encounter. To advance in your career, you may establish powerful partnerships and capitalize on preexisting ties at work. Display the Big Money Feng Shui Bull in the Southwest to attract financial success and prosperity. The Iuck of good timing may be attracted by wearing the Crimson Phoenix Lunar Mansions Harmonizing Amulet Keychain.

You may get a raise, be recruited by a competitor, or do both! The Feng Shui Cosmic Raven may be placed on your desk to aid decision-making. To go up the corporate ladder, it helps to have well-defined objectives. Get your superiors' trust by demonstrating that you can always be counted on to do the job. Under the guidance of the #8 Star, business success prospers. Your efforts have paid off, and your income and cash flow are much better. It's a good time to embark on new business ventures, sign contracts, or collaborate with a potentially fruitful partner. Investors are easy to come by for those looking for one.

More Feng Shui 2023's enhancers to capture the #8 Wealth/Prosperity Flying Star

You are completely attractive, thanks to the monthly breezes. Others are likely to like you right now, making it an excellent time to discover love. This month is perfect for couples looking to take their relationship to the next level. The family unit becomes closer as links within the family deepen. Gatherings are also encouraged at this time. Student sheep, you appreciate learning new things and are driven to do well in your studies. You've been putting in much effort, and it's paid off.


8th Month (8th-September to 7th-October 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS

Keep a low profile, sheep, since the harsh Loss Star will bring theft, excessive costs, and a dishonest person into your life. Raise your guard and avoid giving your trust too easily. Be sober and avoid going to strange areas alone if you can help. It's important to save money in anticipation of any emergencies. Try to put off any major decisions until later since now is not the time to go with your gut. You may protect yourself against feelings of betrayal and financial loss by carrying the Royal Elephant & Cosmic Rhino Amulet Feng Shui Keychain. Put the Anti Burglary Feng Shui Plaque 2023 at the southwest corner of your property to deter thieves.

More Feng Shui 2023 cures to overcome the #7 Burglary/Betrayal Flying Star

Jealousy is a superficial feeling brought to the fore by hostile energy. Friends can start to turn on you. Maintain vigilance and don't depend on people too much. Spend more time listening than talking in conversations. Take great care, and remember to check your work over again. When mistakes are made, it's best to accept responsibility and make amends. Sheep in the corporate world delay change and avoid attention. It's wise to ignore offers of assistance and treat counsel with caution, no matter how dire the situation may seem. If you are made aware of wrongdoing within the company, you must act quickly to uncover the truth and punish those responsible.

Relationships can suffer when stress levels rise to unhealthy levels. Even if misunderstandings are more common, you shouldn't take your wonderful spouse for granted. Because you cannot reliably assess people's integrity, you should avoid becoming too close to strangers. Lock up every night before you sleep, and make sure your alarm systems are current.


9th Month (8th-October to 6th-November 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

Sheep, prepare for a blessed month as the Heaven Star lands in the SW, bestowing you the energies of good fortune and bringing helpful individuals into your life. Expect money luck, and powerful mentorship support, making this the perfect time to aim high, as success follows everything you undertake. The combination of stars generates auspicious Ho Tu vibrations, creating an incredibly lucky month for you. To amplify these positive energies, display the Rising Golden Feng Shui Dragon Holding A Pearl in the SW and carry the Nobleman Star Talisman Feng Shui Keychain to attract generous benefactors. Additionally, carrying the Ho Tu Enhancer Keychain will channel the auspicious Ho Tu energies.

As productivity increases, things run smoothly and quietly. Embrace the opportunity to work closely with your superiors, ensuring your efforts receive the recognition they deserve. Utilize your networking skills to form fruitful collaborations. This is the optimal time for business owners to expand and strategize, taking advantage of the month's abundant luck.

More Feng Shui products in 2023 to magnify the #6 Heavenly Flying Star

Love is in the air, with Single Sheep having the potential to find their soulmate. For those already married, cherish the quality time spent with your partner, and in your stress-free state, provide support and love to strengthen your bond. Teenage Sheep experience powerful mentor luck, leading to improved concentration. Remember to take frequent breaks when overwhelmed to prevent burnout.


10th Month (7th-November to 6th-December 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

The Five Yellow makes rounds in your sector; if it manifests, it brings unfortunate changes into your life. You are easily distracted, so be careful so you won't get into accidents. Leave socializing and other dangerous sports for next month when you have better luck. Apart from the NW, you should also avoid digging, hacking, and drilling anywhere in the SW sector to avoid inadvertently disturbing the wu wang. Stay protected against misfortune by carrying the Emerald Pagoda With Om Ah Hum Amulet Feng Shui Keychain. Wear more of the color white and auspicious gold jewelry to further neutralize the Earthly chi of #5.

You could make careless mistakes with big consequences, so avoid taking on new responsibilities and getting involved in office politics. Take things slowly and avoid making radical decisions. You may experience big money outflows, so maintain your current business projects and avoid taking up new deals and partnerships. The Five Yellow can have you second-guessing your decisions, leading to depression and low self-esteem. Lower your expectations and refrain from pushing yourself to the limit.

More Feng Shui cures 2023 to weaken the #5 Misfortune Flying Star

Attached Sheep, spend quality time with your partner. Those in new relationships should endeavor to do the same. Your relationship will be much more colorful when you have different experiences to add to the conversation. Young Sheep active in sports, you are at an increased risk of accidents and injuries, which may even impact your studies. If you have important deadlines coming up, reorganize your schedule.


11th Month (7th-December 2023 to 5th-January 2023)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

The Peach Blossom Star bestows love-inducing energy throughout the holiday season, making you warm, charming, and surrounded by friends and family. The horoscope forecasts you may once again boldly seek investment opportunities and company projects as your financial fortunes improve. Enjoy the holidays to the fullest and make the most of the season. To improve your social and professional connections, put the Feng Shui Sky Dog in the southwest and keep the Cardinal Connectivity Activator Feng Shui Charms with you. The Love Vibrations Feng Shui Mirror is excellent for individuals seeking long-term love.

The Peach Blossom Star encourages friendly interactions among coworkers. With the help of the Victory Star, you may increase your chances of being promoted if you use your charisma to win over your superiors. Create new connections, strengthen existing ones, and promote goodwill by going the additional mile. As a business person, this is a fantastic opportunity to use your people skills and good fortune. Host gatherings aimed at introducing you to prospective business associates.

More Feng Shui 2023 products to activate the #4 Peach Blossom Flying Star

As the negative influences of the Five Yellow fade, socializing is once again pleasant. In love and relationships, your attention switches to personal fulfillment. Those without a partner enjoy the thrill of the chase, while those in committed relationships glow passionately. However, be wary of the potential for adultery and avoid hasty conclusions. Carry the Happy Marriage Comb Feng Shui Keychain. The #4 Star provides outstanding scholastic luck in school, offering clarity and attention. Take a risk and explore new areas of interest to broaden your horizons.


12th Month (6th-January to 3rd-February 2024)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

According to your Feng Shui forecast, the arrival of the Quarrelsome Star will cause friction in your interpersonal interactions. Even if you can keep calm, others may be provoked to lose their cool with you. Friends may behave irrationally if they are offended by anything you say or do and may even pursue legal action as a result. The #3 Star must be kept under control. Keep the noise level down in the southwest corner of your house. Avoid getting into arguments or altercations. Avoid saying something you'll regret by pausing, taking a deep breath, and leaving the room if necessary when your fury builds.

Use Trinity of Anti-Conflict-Gossip-Lawsuit Feng Shui Apples or Red Prosperity Feng Shui Elephant in the Southwest to counteract the #3 Star's Wood energies. In addition, have the Trinity Of Apple Feng Shui Amulet Keychain on you to ward against hostile energies.

You continue to excel at work, but jealous coworkers and unfavorable feedback could drain your motivation. Grow a protective layer of toughness to help you weather difficult situations. Invite Liuli Glass Feng Shui Mini Green Tara into your house to help you avoid legal trouble and protect you from harm. While money matters may seem okay, friction might arise from a lack of communication or a divergence of opinion. Don't bother scheduling meetings or negotiating deals until next month, when your luck will be better.

More Feng Shui 2023's cures to suppress the #3 Hostile/Quarrelsome Flying Star

Attached Sheep should put off weighty conversations and heated debates with their significant other. If you're single and want to start a meaningful relationship, taking things slowly throughout the wooing phase is best. Carry the Harmony Lock Amulet Feng Shui Keychain. Due to their hectic routine, the young Sheep may get easily agitated and distracted. Friendships may become tense. Therefore, it's best to restrict your time together. To better handle the forceful energies this month, try to be less dogmatic and more open-minded. Carry the Cardinal Connectivity Activator Feng Shui Charms.



Read also our annual Feng Shui Forecast 2023 and Horoscope 2023 for Sheep

Read the annual Feng Shui Forecast 2024 and Horoscope 2024 for Sheep


