The most powerful symbol of good fortune after the Dragon, the Pi Yao is believed to bring many blessings: wealth and windfall luck, good news, earth luck or good feng shui, and protection from danger and evil spirits.
From the long list of benefits, this mythical creature is most revered for his ability to appease Tai Sui, or the Grand Duke Jupiter. People who confront Tai Sui (for having disturbed the afflicted sector, for facing his direction, or so happen that your horoscope animal sign is in conflict with him this year) will face a series of setbacks and misfortunes. Piyao, in the form of figurine or amulet, is the only Feng Shui cure that can calm his wrath.
Feng Shui Pi Yao is also celebrated for its ability to attract wealth luck. This is because it is reputed to have an endlessly immense appetite for gold and silver and yet does not have an anus – a symbol of taking in great amounts of wealth and prosperity and not letting go any. In Asia, people in business or those who wish to have an upper hand in gambling simply adore Pi Yaos. In Thailand, Pi Yaos are prayed to and worshipped in the hope to attract monetary and financial gain.
If you have moved to a new location recently or renovated your living space, make sure you display a Pi Yao to cleanse the shifted energy and prevent bad luck.
Pi Yao is very obedient and loyal to its owner, making him a very popular personal protector in traditional Feng Shui. Keep the Piyao on you in the form of a keychain or necklace to protect yourself from bad spirits, accidents, negative energy and people with malicious intention toward you.